Dear EFL Blogging School Participants,
The second Module of the course, entitled "Video production for EFL blogging and approaches in involving students online", aimed to guide participants to apply in teaching:
Video Production Tools Movie maker, Voicethread, Voki
Writing Production Tools Dvolver, Tagxedo, Fodey
Graphic Production Glogster, Pininterest
Easy solutions for busy teachers ReadWriteThink.
Approaches to involve students online.
Approaches to involve students online.
To accomplish Module 2, you will need to complete the following Assignments:
- Assignment 5: Online video making tools for EFL students ( deadline: November, 15)
- Assignment 6: Online tools to develop students' English speaking skills ( deadline: November, 22)
- Assignment 7: Introduction to flipped instruction or turning the traditional classroom on its head ( deadline: November, 29)
- Assignment 8: Bridging the skills gap in multilevel and mixed ability classes. Integrating Web 2.0 tools ( deadline: December, 6)