Monday, November 16, 2015

ASSIGNMENT 15: Blogs as Platforms for Integrating EFL Lesson Planning

   Dear EFL teachers, 
      Planning an EFL  lesson, as a preview of the whole instructive process before it is taken up for execution, involves careful thinking about the traditional and online tools to be used for its successful completion. As far as language teaching is concerned, planning involves the teacher’s skill in the selection of the material, the techniques or method or approaches to be employed, the activities to be taken up, and in getting the pupils involved in the successful completion of the lesson assignments. It is a complete preview of the difficulties likely to occur in the course of the lesson, of introducing new teaching approaches and strategies while using various updated technologies. 
          This week we are inviting you to set up new instructive goals for your students through a well-designed process of an instructive immersion on online platforms. You will succeed because this approach sets up the most creative and economical procedures to attain the established purposes. Enjoy improving your educational lesson plan designing skills! 

Task 1: Analyze the following resources and write a 100 word paragraph stating the importance of a well structures lesson plan, 3-4 things to consider while planning a lesson and at least 1-2 challenges you personally meet when making a lesson plan and ways you usually cope with them:

Task 2. Study the lesson plan samples below and choose 2 completely different ones in structure, and compare them in order to identify at least 2 similarities and 2 differences. Pay attention to the lesson plan structure, stages, resources, instructive and assessment procedures. Share your findings and summarize your comment with a personal conclusion.  
Task 3: Study the role of Bloom’s Taxonomy in writing lesson objectives, and so in formulating their deriving learning activities and assessments:

b.       Watch the EFL teacher training presentation on Integrating Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy into Daily Lesson Planning, and

c.        Using Bloom’s Taxonomy Verbs and presented hints on how to create the objectives correctly, write 2-3 educational/learning objectives the EFL teachers should achieve at the end of the proposed learning session. 
Task 4. Using Bloom’s Taxonomy, design a lesson plan for a lesson content of a Module/Unit  you are going to teach on January or February, which will include at least 3 online resources you studied from the EFL Blogging School curriculum and: 

·         Learning standards, competences, sub-competences; 
·         Learning objectives
·         Resources, especially online;
·         Learning stages according to national lesson plan structure (ERRE);
·         Learning activities, strategies, and assessments  according to Bloom.

The major priority in the process of developing your lesson plan should represent the integration of online tools you have studied during all previous assignments, which will foster the development of integrated language skills, such as writing, listening, speaking and reading. Post the lesson plan on your blog and send us the link, as a comment to Assignment 14. 

Useful resources:  
Additional resources: 

Lesson Plan Ideas:


  1. Task 1
    A well structured lesson plan means a successful realized lesson. This is the time that a teacher can show their creativity.. A lesson plan is simply a step-by-step guide to what an EFL teacher plans to do in the classroom on a given day. The more detailed the steps are, the better. Ideally, you could not go to work on a given day and another teacher could read your lesson plan and know exactly how to teach your class on that day. A good lesson plan might even include specific gestures and cues used for various parts of the lesson.
    While planning a lesson we have to consider
    What activities are most effective?
    What materials are needed?
    What are the objectives/aims?
    When an activity should be carry out and for how long?
    Challenges, I personally meet while planning a lesson are a) organizing my ideas. When I start to plan a lesson I have a huge of ideas that take me a lot of time to select only the most appropriate one. So it continues to be a challenge for me …And the second is how to make each student get involved in my lesson. So in this case I choose very attentively the methods and the time for each activity.

    1. Diana, the problem of prioritizing/selecting the activities looks for me being not a challenge, but a benefit. Since, you could experiment various methods and activities with different classes, having lots of optional variants for the same topics. Thanks.

  2. Task 2
    I have chosen the lesson plan Happy Holidays and Sonny plans for launch electronic-paper watch.
    The type of both lesson is to introduce a new vocabulary, make the students speak on a given topic and both plans suppose cooperating with classmates to fulfill some study activities.
    Concerning the differences they both have a different structure. The first one I think is a classical one, that we teachers from Moldova use most frequently, the second lesson plan has a variety of activities not only for just a lesson of 45 minutes. The second lesson plan I can adapt it to my classroom by keeping only some activities concerning listening I am not sure if I will manage to exercise and free writing in the classroom in this case. I prefer the classical form but I think I should try and the other form.

    1. Experimenting is the key of the teaching success, Diana! Good luck with this! Looking forward to seeing you try a new approach!

  3. Task 3
    1. By the end of the proposed learning session teachers should know the opportunities to explore, experience, create, innovate the online tools offer.
    2.By the end of the of the proposed learning session teachers should know using Bloom’s Taxonomy what particular stage of the learning process should the teacher use the online tool at.
    3. After the proposed learning session teachers Should experiment Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy in daily learning process.

    1. Task 4

    2. Diana, I do agree with you that either the Bloom's Taxonomy or Bloom's Digital Taxonomy is the main reference/ guidelines for the whole instructive process. Thanks for sharing!

    3. Referring to Task 4, I would say that you have done a great work, Diana! It's worth integrating online tools into teaching to develop either the communicative competences you've mentioned in the video-plan or digital competence. To make this lesson more visually interactive, you could include screenshots / pictures of the tools/ hyperlinks ( pages) you ask the students to work with. Also, there is a shortage of the references and needed materials, which might be presented through video tutorials to ease students' work.
      Good luck with the your lesson plan improvement!

  4. Task 1: A well structures lesson plan keeps teachers organized, helps them to achieve the objectives, to choose the materials and helps them to reflect on the teaching methods. A lesson plan helps us to organize each step of the lesson which is very important in a classroom full of children, with their short attention spans and their natural desire to disrupt anything and everything. Kids also notice when a teacher doesn’t really know what to do. If we show one sign of weakness, they will pounce. I have to notice that kids respond extraordinarily well to structure and regularity, and planning out our lessons gives them that structure.
    When I make my lesson plans I always have lack of materials, I understand that the pupils must to have audio activities, presentantations that need a good equipment, in this way i can use these interesting activities for them and I usually lost their attention.

    1. Dear Olesea, you're right stating that the planning process "keeps teachers organized, helps them to achieve the objectives, to choose the materials and helps them to reflect on the teaching methods". And this is a very responsible work, since "kids also notice when a teacher doesn’t really know what to do". I think the quote saying "Teachers are heroes without capes." relates also to the mastery they do to address the challenges of planning the whole instructive process. :)))

  5. Task 2: The project that I chose are: Snack facts and Happy Holidays. Snack facts is lesson plan proposing by british council and it is focus on the snack vocabulary and the second is a moldavian lesson plan, I think that all of us use this type of plan, and it is focus on speaking and vocabulary skills. Both have on the first page the name of the topic, aims, time, age group, materials and warm up activity from the second page which is the only similarity of the structure. We can observe the differences in the structure and the time reserved.
    I think that a big problem of each teacher is the time and the technical equipment that does not allow making more interactive activities. I like the structure of the first plan and the variety of activities I think that I can use some of them.

    1. Olesea, the only thing that remains here to say is to wish you "good luck" to apply these activities in your lesson plan that will integrate online tools you studied along the project. Looking forward to seeing your lesson plan published soon on your blog!

    2. Task 3: The EFL teachers should achieve at the end of the proposed learning session:
      O1 Analyze a list of resources and write a paragraph stating the importance of a well structures lesson plan;
      O2 Study the lesson plan samples and compare 2 of them in order to identify at least 2 similarities and 2 differences;
      O3 Study the role of Bloom’s Taxonomy in writing lesson objectives and apply them into a personal lesson plan.

    3. Task 4:

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Task 1
    Someone said: “A lesson is like a journey and the lesson plan is the map.” In my opinion a lesson plan is a framework for a lesson. It shows where the teacher starts, where he/she should finish and the route to she/he should take in order to get where he/she wants according to the lesson goal and objectives. Without some kind of planning, a lesson could be just as chaotic and could leave the students with no clear idea of what they were doing or why. This kind of uncertainty is not good for effective learning or class discipline. When planning a lesson, the teacher should, first of all, take into account the purpose of you lesson what he/she wants the students to learn or to achieve during a certain class. Once the educator has determined what she/he will teach he/she decides how to do it. Then the lesson’s objectives must be clearly defined with direct instructions and suitable activities that are bonded to a specific topic or vocabulary. So a lesson plan should answer to the questions: What to teach?; How to teach?; Why to teach?.
    Task 2
    It was very useful to browse through the lesson plans made by our colleagues across the world. I’ve analyzed several of them and decided to compare VALUING FRIENDSHIP from MyPlanetDotNet (a Moldova teacher plan) and SNACK FACTS (British Council, Teaching English). Both plans have clear aims, time limits and materials needed. The first plan requires materials like paper, board, felt-tip pens, cards and pictures (for extension- a computer, to listen to a song). The second one is rich in resources: teacher-worksheets, internet access or original texts and dictionaries. Regarding plan structure it can be said that it differs: The first lesson plan follows the 4 stages of the lesson- evocation, realization of meaning, reflection and extension and it is 90 min long, the second plan starts with an introduction that summarizes the activities students will perform, than continues with warmer up procedure that contains 3 sub stages which describe in details all the activities that students are supposed to perform during the lesson and ends with optional follow up tasks. I should say that the first lesson plan describes in details all the teacher’s activities as well as pupils’ and the methods which will be used at each activity. The second lesson plan has just one section in which is said what the pupils are asked to do, the second lesson project proposes texts of diverse difficulty, which is different from the first one. The second is based almost on group work, the first one uses different types of work. Assessment seems to be formative according to both lesson plans when students present to others the results of their work, exchange information the best ideas being highlighted by the teacher although there is no assessment rubric attached.
    Task 3
    By the end of this session the EFL teachers will be able:
    -to identify at least 3 advantages of lesson planning;
    -to compare 2 lesson plans pointing out at least two similarities and two differences in their structure, resources, stages, assessment;
    - to create a lesson plan which will include at least three online tools according to curriculum and planning criteria.
    Task 4

    1. Excellent work, Mariana! The only thing I'd suggest yo include in your lesson plan is the list of materials and resources ( even online) you will use during the lesson. Thanks for sharing!

    2. Hello,Olga! I have done it. Thank you for your advice.

    3. Hello,Olga! I have done it. Thank you for your advice.

  8. Task 1. The lesson plan makes the teacher structure the lesson and the thinking the best way. It helps you to structure What you want to communicate to your students, the best contents and How –ie. the best ways to communicate it to your students. It is also necessary to state clear objectives, activities –HOW LONG, materials to use, the level of students, the teacher assumptions and expectations. The challenges are to anticipate the students’mood and to create multilevel tasks for students, and to motivate students to actively learn and perform. Thus, I, as a teacher might create a list of the target language to give the “low” students, use some creative games to mobilize them.
    Task 2. Study the lesson plan samples below and choose 2 completely different ones in structure, and compare them in order to identify at least 2 similarities and 2 differences. Pay attention to the lesson plan structure, stages, resources, instructive and assessment procedures. Share your findings and summarize your comment with a personal conclusion.
    Environmental Issues and MyPlanetDotNet are the type of planning we use currently in Moldova. I like the structure and techniques/methods of providing and realizing the teaching-learning-evaluation. the assessment procedures are very well defined MyPlanetDotNet. Snack Facts is almost the same format.
    I also liked Sony plans to launch electronic-paper watch, Apple unveils new Apple Watch that are from the site Breaking News English. It is less “formal” according to ERRE format required in Moldova. But both of the types have similarities, such as: Warm up and Pre-reading, Post-reading, Listening etc activities. Breaking News English provides lesson plans that do not include ERRE format, but it provides a wide variety of activities on the text: listening, quiz, filling the gap, questions made by the students, spelling, put the text back together etc. which make the students understand and remember the vocabulary and use it in different situations of his own. I like this variety of activities on a text/video/song and I like to use them during my classes.
    Statue of Liberty Civics Lesson Plan, April Fool's Day Lesson Plan are offered by the site EL CIVICS and I would use this lesson plans for some of the activities during the English lesson or make students study them at home.
    Task 3. By the end of the proposed learning session teachers should be able to:
    1. analyze more lesson plans and identify the most important stages of it:
    2. write 2-3 objectives according to the revised bloom’s digital taxonomy;
    3. create a well-structured lesson plan using online resources.

    1. Dear Eugenia, it's worth saying that it's a must to "pay attention to the lesson plan structure, stages, resources, instructive and assessment procedures", and all the time "share your findings and summarize your comment with a personal conclusions"- this way to form your own teaching and lesson planning style. Hope your above reflections will strenghen your expertise in the planning methodology, in particular when we refer to online tools integration in this process.

    2. Task 4.

    3. Dear Eugenia, Thank you for sharing such an interesting lesson. I would recommend you to edit a little bit the home assignment, by asking students to create some online posters in to advertise a British museums. Good luck

  9. A well-structured lesson plan is a wisely elaborated procedure of how a lesson should develop.The work is presented step by step by: time needed, amount of information, objectives, final goal, applicability. We have to see the final goal of the activities that we introduce in the plan and try to follow it throughout the entire lesson ; things should be organized in a clear way, so that a substitution teacher could take and work with it in case of necessity; we have to engage the both traditional and efl tools ,we need to line our teaching goals with the standards and curriculum. It takes a lot of time ,but it save o alot of challenges .
    While elaborating any lesson plan, a teacher must play the role of this lesson and point all the situations that can appear .:to have additional activities ifwe have extra-time or to simplify the activities if we see the student can be able to solve and partcipate activily; to take into account diversity of students’ skills and abilities and to know how to direct the planned activities into the right flow; to conclude with a well organized feedback and also manage to asses the giving marks.
    Task 2:There are a lot of lessons plans that I like . However, the following ones seems to different: “Film Reviews” on Teaching English on BBC and “The Gadget” Lesson in Guinness World Records Jigsaw Viewing Activity.
    Both lessons are step by step elaborated . Evocation activity is followed by a well organized activities -worksheets for students with texts and examples, questions ); reflection is seen through the activity/questions/role-plays, interactions that are practiced; extension is seen by final presentations and performing through PBL and reflections.
    There are also differences in these lessons : in Gadget lesson plans we see the video and transcripts to it, powerpoint ,translation for Eng-French students, worksheets and the follow up points in the plan look to be more instructive .It seems to be Conscious Competence and is good to strive for. The second Lesson Plan on BBC Film Reviews has a very strict course , for certain group level, with time dedicated for each activity ,this is very good in case of unpredictible situation.
    Task 3:The EFL teachers will achieve the following objectives:
    -will conclude the importance of a well structured lesson plan;
    -will demonstrate how the traditional methods can be combined with online tools in classroom;
    -will analyse the role of a well organized lesson and challenges that can appear and will think on a unpredictable flow.

  10. Task 1
    Planning is imagining the lesson before it happens. This involves prediction, anticipation, sequencing, organizing and simplifying. When teachers plan a lesson, as to me , the following things must be taken into consideration: the aims to be achieved; the content to be taught; the tasks to be presented good; to have needed the resources .
    The challenges I often meet while lesson planning, and the most important, as to me , the material from the book sometime is boring for the students or is not so interesting and it takes me time to find another information for a given topic.
    Task 2
    I have chosen the lesson plans “Happy Holidays” and “Statue of Liberty”.
    This lesson plans are on different topics, but what they have in common is a big amount of additional materials and the use of modern technologies that involve the listening and watching skills that are important in learning a foreign language a lot of worksheets, and useful photos . The difference between this two lesson plans is: the first lesson plan requires the use of different tools and knowledge of other fact beside those on the topic of lesson, but the second one is exactly on the topic. I find both interesting but the second lesson plan I will use with pleasure at my lessons, it gives a lot of interesting information in form of questions that makes students to use the information that they already know and to find out something new for them.
    Task 3
    By the end of this session the EFL teachers will be able:
    -to identify advantages of lesson planning;
    -to compare 2 lesson plans determining at least two similarities and two differences in their structure;
    - to create a lesson plan which will include online tools
    Task 4

  11. Task 4:

  12. Task 1
    Any techer knows that one of the keys leading to successful teaching is lesson planning. I can surely say that this is the first stage of the lesson and it truly depends on the way the plan is designed whether the lesson will succeed or fail. Ellaborating a plan incorporates considering the right ways to teach the content, the key vocabulary to ensure understanding of what’s being disscussed and building clear step by step instructions for students to follow. Time management and considering activities to give enough practice and at the same time to be accomplishable for blend-level classes have always been the most challenging moments while planning a lesson for me personally.
    It is very important for a teacher to be able to catch that moment when the lesson plan has got the balance between bare instructions, and other activities supposed to fix and deepen students’ knowledge. In case we fail to determine where this moment occurs, there is a big chance to ‘overload’ our plan thus making it ineffective and unrealizable.

    I chose Statue of Liberty Civics Lesson Plan and Dictionary skills for secondary students, which, as I think, are absolutely differently presented. The first one looks like a set of questions related to the topic and at the bottom there is a list of activities on the presented topic such as puzzles, crosswords , grammar quizes, etc. But there are no directions about the order they should appear during class. The plan includes neither objectives nor step by step instructions for students. It represents just a kind of information source to use while planning a civics picture lesson.
    The second plan is well-structured and organized in a form of a chart where each box contains a definite activity supportd by detailed instructions for the teacher and students. It contains a list of aims and the materials needed for the lesson are also mentioned.
    All procedures are clearly described and timing is done for each of them.
    As for the common features both plans possess, I can only mention “introduction” and unswer keys.
    I think the second lesson plan is better since it provides detailed description of all procedures and is carefully organized in terns of timing.

    Task 3
    Learning objectives:
    After careful exploration of the online source students will make a list of 5 most interesting facts about dolphins
    After watching the tutorial Ss will write an argumentative ‘hamburger’ essay on the topic “Which is better: electronic or paper book?”
    After taking a trip arouns school students will write 4 observations related to spring nature using present progressive tense.

  13. Task 4

  14. Task 1
    A lesson plan, is a weapon in a day-by-day battle:)
    Kids are very noisy, and they are very happy when they 'destroy' a lesson, so a lesson plan for a teacher should be well structured.The steps that the teacher should make in the plan, are: time, objectives, activities, materials;I am a new teacher, so my lesson plans are very detailed.The challenges I meet are different,for example, my pupils are teaching English the 1st year and they need to be captivated with some colourful flashcards, pictures, videos, music, even cartoons, that takes a lot of time to prepare, also there are a few kids in the class, that need too much attention,as they are sick, and it is hard for them the Romanian language to assimilate.Although, this might be true, it should be noted that a lesson plan is a project of a lesson. It’s not a description of what will exactly happen during lesson delivery. It provides, however, a guide for managing the classroom environment and the learning process.

  15. Task 2
    I choose April Fool's Day Lesson Plan and Dictionary skills for secondary students Plan, because they are very well structured, and even coloured.It is shown the time needed for the tasks to be accomplished, the activities and the materials.The questions are clearly formulated and organized.The differences between these two lesson plans are that : the first lesson plan requires the use of different utilities and knowledge of other facts beside those on the topic of lesson, but the second one is exactly on the topic.

  16. Task 3
    By the end of this session the EFL teachers will be able:
    -to explore at least 3 advantages of lesson planning;
    -to compare 2 lesson plans in order to emphasize two similarities and two differences in their structure, materials, activities ;
    - to make a lesson plan which will include at least three online tools according to the curriculum.

  17. Roibu Svetlana Assignment #15 Task1:
    Lesson plan is a strategy how to act during of 45 min process of teaching;
    First of all it must be well conceived on: What? When? How? - you want to teach at the lesson. According to the outlined goals and objectives will be traced the activities of both participants – teacher and students. Will be clearly defined the directions and instructions and forms of differentiated and collaborative learning, in groups or in pairs, individually or as a whole class. What students should achieve as finality must be as a result of the 4 skills teaching approach.

  18. Roibu Svetlana Assignment #15 Task2: I like 2 from the listed samples: MyPlanetDotNet and Statue of Liberty Civics’ lesson plan. They are very different: by the structure MyPlanetDotNet plans correspond to the ERRE Moldavan style of planning by the Ministry of Education requairements.
    Statue of Liberty Civics’ lesson plan is like a set of questions on the subject, and a list of activities such as puzzles, crosswords, grammar tests, video etc. But there is no indication about the order in which they should appear in the classroom. The plan has step by step directions. It is not an usual plan as an ERRE format one, but a sort of information that could be used for planning. If I want I can use the ERRE format and information and activities from EL Civics as forms that complete each other.

  19. Roibu Svetlana Assignment #15 Task2: I like 2 from the listed samples: MyPlanetDotNet and Statue of Liberty Civics’ lesson plan. They are very different: by the structure MyPlanetDotNet plans correspond to the ERRE Moldavan style of planning by the Ministry of Education requairements.
    Statue of Liberty Civics’ lesson plan is like a set of questions on the subject, and a list of activities such as puzzles, crosswords, grammar tests, video etc. But there is no indication about the order in which they should appear in the classroom. The plan has step by step directions. It is not an usual plan as an ERRE format one, but a sort of information that could be used for planning. If I want I can use the ERRE format and information and activities from EL Civics as forms that complete each other.

  20. Roibu Svetlana Assignment #15 Task3: EFL teachers WBAT:
    - to point out some advantages of planning lessons;
    - to compare 2 plans of the lessons and identify two similarities and two differences;
    - to make up a lesson plan that will include the usage of online tools;

  21. Roibu Svetlana Assignment #15 Task4:
    Lesson Plan on “Enjoying the Arts”, 11th form (Elaborated with Online http://www.teach- Lesson Plan Maker )

  22. Task 4

  23. Task 1
    To make an effective and good lesson plan we have to consider the following elements: The level of the students, the age of the students, the aims.
    When we design our lesson plan we should take into consideration the steps of the lesson: warm up (to prepare the students for class), presentation of a new content, practice (activities used to get students to manipulate information from the presentation), production (communicative activities to see how well they understood the information) and conclusion (to review what we have taught for total effect)
    When I plan a lesson it takes me a lot of time, because I have to reflect how to do it solid, this is really challenging.

  24. Planning is imagining the lesson before it happens. This involves prediction, anticipation, sequencing, organizing and simplifying. When teachers plan a lesson, they have to make different types of decisions which are related to the following items:
    - the aims to be achieved;
    - the content to be taught;
    - the group to be taught: their background, previous knowledge, age, interests, etc.
    - the lessons in the book to be included or skipped;
    - the tasks to be presented;
    - the resources needed, etc.

  25. Task 1
    A well structured lesson plan is the key to success. When planning, the teacher knows exactly the place of the lesson in the unit and how it should introduced. He identifies the objectives and choses the best activities and the needed materials to achieve the objectives. In this case, the teacher will keep the students concentrated, will prevent behavior problems and will avoid students’ and his own frustration of not doing what it should be done. When planning, the teacher thinks about his students background and will not plan, for e. g. a performing activity for a class where the majority of the students are shy. A good planning avoids time problems. This is still my challenge. Often I plan more than I manage to do with my students.
    Task 2
    In the Environmental Issues lesson plan, the ERRE structure is followed, but in Dictionary skills for secondary students lesson, a free structure is present. Both projects insist on developing critical thinking by engaging students in new circumstances: the first lesson asks the ss to watch a movie and deduce other ways to protect the environment; the second one asks the students to make a quiz (in groups) and make another quiz by their own for their classmates, this way demonstrating they know what dictionary skills must be checked. Both lessons use group work. We can observe that the lessons acquire the objectives realization and involve ss at a maximal level. The lessons are well planned and developed, even if the second one is more complex due to longer time resource.
    Task 3
    • Acknowledge the importance of formulating correct objectives in planning
    • Select the best itools for completing a lesson plan
    • Create a lesson plan respecting well the rquirements
    Task 4

  26. Assessement 15.
    Task 1

    A well structured lesson plan means a lot of time and hard work not only for beginners but for us too.It requires establishing clear, measurable objectives,organizing the ideas ,knowing how to follow them step-by-step ,finding the appropriate methods or approach , choosing proper activities for different students'levels,etc .We wish these structured lesson plans led to effective and coherent lessons.A well structured lesson plan is the reflection of a teacher competence to plan a lesson.
    One of the challenges I encounter is:how to work with those students who can't write even in Romanian, because of the learning difficulties they face .Such students need special attention and handouts, additional work etc.
    Another challenge I face is: I have plenty of ideas and I wish I implemented them all during 45 minutes.In this way I have to prioritize (it takes me a lot of time)

  27. Assignment 15
    Task 2:
    I have chosen 2 plans :MyPlanetDotNet and Statue of Liberty that I consider being very different:
    -MyPlanetDotNet (both lesson plans) correspond to the ERRE sample required nowadays and daily elaborated by teachers.
    -Statue of Liberty plan is based on a number of questions on a specific topic and represents a source of information, it doesn't include any competences, sub-competences , objectives or lesson stages.
    In my opinion there are some similarities:
    -each lesson requires a lot of aids to be used;
    -the use of modern technology during each lesson;

  28. Task 3
    By the end of this session the EFL teachers will be able:
    -to identify 3-4 advantages of a well lesson structured plan;
    -to analyze 2 lesson plans identifying two similarities and two differences in their structure, resources, stages, instructive and assessment procedures.
    - to create a well structured lesson plan using 3 online resources.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Task 1.
    A lesson plan is simply a step-by-step guide to what an EFL teacher plans to do in the classroom on a given day. The more detailed the steps are, the better. Ideally, you could not go to work on a given day and another teacher could read your lesson plan and know exactly how to teach your class on that day. A good lesson plan might even include specific gestures and cues used for various parts of the lesson. That’s how detailed your plan should be.
    The lesson plan is very important for a teacher. First of all it organizes the teacher, helps him to arrange his thoughts. It makes the teacher to be more convinced by the matetial he/she teaches. While I plan my lesson, I pay attention at the class I teach, their level and particularities, their multiple inteligences and I plan what concretly I would like to realize at the end of the lesson, what skills I would like to develop.
    The challenges I meet making a lesson plan and ways I usually cope with them are the following:
    - how to write these plans fast (they take me a lot of time everyday)
    - how to a creative and interactive lesson to obtain a good feedback
    - how to make it a motivating lesson for my students (I want they learn English not because they need to do it, but because they want it)

  32. Task 2.
    All these lesson plans are very interesting. April fools day is like the Statue of Liberty are sets of pictures and the templates (the Statue of Liberty).
    Exploring Careers Using the Internet and Blogging about the American Revolution are very long and very detailed, they contain the blog work.
    MyPlanetDotNet - contains two plans for different levels (the 5th form -a lot of internet sources, the 10th form - a lot of worksheets) that make the lessons diverse and interesting. the plans are ERRE plans.
    Snack facts - is a very interesting way of planning - in contains in one text many tasks for students 1.Sections in Bold - Write as many synonyms as possible
    2. Underlined sections - Write the missing word(s)
    3. Sections in italics - Brainstorm a list of words that collocate
    with the first word, e.g. Post office = postcard, post box,
    post-it, etc.
    4. Make a note of any other unfamiliar words and find out what they
    5. Read the original text on LearnEnglish Teens to compare your
    answers to tasks 1 and 2 above.

    Guinness World Records Jigsaw Viewing Activity - is a divers activity plan because it contains video, power point presentation, worksheets, ballon debates.

  33. Task 2.
    All these lesson plans are very interesting. April fools day is like the Statue of Liberty are sets of pictures and the templates (the Statue of Liberty).
    Exploring Careers Using the Internet and Blogging about the American Revolution are very long and very detailed, they contain the blog work.
    MyPlanetDotNet - contains two plans for different levels (the 5th form -a lot of internet sources, the 10th form - a lot of worksheets) that make the lessons diverse and interesting. the plans are ERRE plans.
    Snack facts - is a very interesting way of planning - in contains in one text many tasks for students 1.Sections in Bold - Write as many synonyms as possible
    2. Underlined sections - Write the missing word(s)
    3. Sections in italics - Brainstorm a list of words that collocate
    with the first word, e.g. Post office = postcard, post box,
    post-it, etc.
    4. Make a note of any other unfamiliar words and find out what they
    5. Read the original text on LearnEnglish Teens to compare your
    answers to tasks 1 and 2 above.

    Guinness World Records Jigsaw Viewing Activity - is a divers activity plan because it contains video, power point presentation, worksheets, ballon debates.

  34. Task 3.
    1. At the end of the proposed learning session teachers should write the definitions of each Bloom Taxonomy steps (2 sentences for each of them)
    2. At the end of the proposed learning session teachers should write 3-4 reasons why should they use Bloom's Taxonomy
    3. At the end of the proposed learning session teachers should present a lesson plan based on Bloom's Taxonomy objectives.

  35. Task 1
    A well structured lesson plan means a successful realized lesson.the teacher is more confident that he will achieve his goal and he has all necessary things and tools by hand .

    A lesson plan should quid the teacher and the students to the right point, and to develop the skills and not to lose the time.
    While planning a lesson we have to consider
    What the topic to speak about and what activities are most effective for the very group.
    What materials are needed and comprehensible for the group.
    What are the objectives to achieve, what should the students know on finishing the class
    How long is an activity.
    Challenges, I personally ran into the lack of time for each activity,every time I should miss something to get on time with the lesson or If I check their homework and they have a project to present continues to be a challenge for me ,and the second is how to make each student get involved in my lesson in special those with special needs.

  36. Task 1. Of course a well-structured lesson plan is innevitable in teaching process. 3-4 things to consider while planning a lesson would be:
    * the goals we want to achieve according to what we want our students to be able to do at the end of the lesson.
    * adequate methods and activities in order to develop the 4 necessary skills
    * time management is also not less important so that we do what we have planned.
    At least 1-2 challenges you personally meet when making a lesson plan and ways you usually cope with them:Lack of enough materials in our textbooks and I have to make copies with hand outs. For me personally, it is not a problem as I have won A project from Peace Corps and I have projector, printer, computer and from Coreea another project and got a smartboard, but for other teachers is quite difficult to cope with it.

  37. Task 2. Choose 2 completely different ones in structure, and compare them in order to identify at least 2 similarities and 2 differences. Pay attention to the lesson plan structure, stages, resources, instructive and assessment procedures.
    I have chosen the plans Environmental Issues and Snack Facts and I can state the following: both of them develop listening and speaking skills but differ a lot in Envir. we see all the stages of the lesson while in the next we have to distinguish them .. The project with Envir. has optional follow up tasks while the other one doesn't.I consider both of them good .

  38. Task 3. write 2-3 educational/learning objectives the EFL teachers should achieve at the end of the proposed learning session.
    The role of Bloom's Taxonomy is great as it helps us find out the necessary verbswe need to create for each level of learning,starting with Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating and Creating..I liked a lot this statement from a video.Before you can understand a concept , you must remember it,
    To apply a concept, you must first understand it
    In order to evaluate a concept , you must have analyzed it.
    To create a conclusion, you must have completed a thorough evaluation.
    What else we should take into consideration is that the objectives should be measurable, observable and be focused on what the students will have to be able to do at the end of the unit.

  39. Task 4 - here is the lesson plan


    1. Task 4 - here is the lesson plan - Teacher Surviving Guide: Planning
